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Zero Ref



Name: Zero (Zee-row)

Spirit Name: Secretive Lynx

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years

Totem: Lynx

Rank: Hunter

Skill Level: 0

Skills: None

Accessories: None

Breed: American shorthair/turkish angora mix

Personality: [Secretive] [Aloof] [Cold] [Gentle] [Loyal]

Secretive: Zero has never been a very open hearted cat. He always has secrets that he keeps from everyone around him, thus his spirit name 'Secretive Lynx'. He tends to be snappy if anyone asked something that wasn't their business. He does that whenever someone asks him about himself or anything involving him that either he doesn't feel like answering or that he doesn't want anyone to know. Zero doesn't like to speak to anyone and keeps away from everyone with his secretive personality. He knows that some of his tribemates don't like him or are scared by him, but he doesn't care. In fact, he likes it that way. Therefore, no one can bother him.

Aloof: Zero is known around the tribe for his aloofness. He likes to be alone and doesn't work well when surrounded by others. He does his best hunting when he is all by himself because he thinks being with others is noisy and annoying. He never acts like he cares about anything and just goes with it or doesn't at all. He rarely ever speaks and he prefers to just stay in the back of the crowd, away from other cats. He is convinced that he is not like the others and doesn't deserve to be near them and smile like them, so he just doesn't smile at all. He isn't a very nice cat either, infact he is pretty rude until you really get to know him and he learns to like and trust you. But that's pretty hard to acomplish.

Cold: Zero is a very cold-hearted cat. Due to events in his past that he has never recovered from, he finds it very hard to be nice to others no matter how much he may want to at times. He is almost never sympathetic to anyone due to his cold personality making him unable to feel bad for other cats. He's often found staying away from others by hunting out all by himself in the areas of the land that not that many cats go to, so he can be alone. He never smiles, unless the cat he's smiling for is very close to him and he holds her/him in high regard. His eyes are pale and cold, causing cats to be afraid of him when he looks at them. He likes this part of his personality, it keeps him from being hurt again.

Gentle: Zero may not be the nicest cat, but he is a very gentle tom. If he trusts you, he will treat you right and he will consider you a friend, who he is very loyal to. He actually doesn't really like to fight, what he really likes to do is be gentle to cats. He would never hurt anyone unless he was forced to, dispite the rest of his personality. Deep down, he is very sensitive to the looks other cats give him because they think he is a bad guy when really they just misunderstand him. To someone who he loves, he would be the kindest cat around and will always tell them what they want to hear and means it. He hides this part of his personality due to a part in his past that his heart has never recovered from.

Loyal: Zero is a very loyal cat, always pledging that he will protect those he cares for and even those he doesn't care for. He hates death and will always do anything to prevent anyone from dying the best he can, but he understands that somethings can't be helped. He would give his life to protect his own honor and the honor of someone he respects. He would protect the tribe until his last breath was stolen from his body, that's how loyal his heart is. Most say that he is a scary cat when that is actually not true, but the only way to find that out is to try your best to become someone whom he trusts and cares for. Little by little, he'll start to care for you more and more.

History: [Kit] [Apprentice] [Hunter]

Kit: Zero was born to a young couple named Heather and Claw. He had a brother named Follow, whom he cherished more than anyone else. He would always be kind hearted with his brother, but only his brother. He didn't have a very good relationship with his parents, because they would fawn over Follow all the time. Zero didn't hate his brother for this though, he loved his brother and believed that it was his job in the world to look after him and make sure that everything in his life went right. The tribe chief took an interest in Zero though, and made plans to train him himself so that he could become his deputy one day for he admired the brave little kit. His brother silently grew a little jeolous of his brother when he noticed the chief paying a lot of attention to Zero and not both of them equally. Zero didn't know of his brother's jeolousy though and treated him like he had always treated him, with all the care in the world.

Apprentice: Both Zero and his brother were chosen to become hunter apprentices and due to the amount of apprentices training at the time, they were both given to the same cat. Their mentor had no trouble training both of them since they got along so well, but the chief also trained Zero on his own whenever he got the chance, which made his brother even more jeolous of his brother everytime he saw him with the leader. Soon, they began to argue more and more often. They grew further apart even though Zero always tried to make peace with his brother. One night, his brother left the tribe with both he and Zero's parents. They planned to leave and run away to a place were they could live alone, but they didn't bring Zero with them. Utterly betrayed, Zero became more and more seclusive and cold hearted, chasing away the cats he once called his friends. The only feeling he felt was betrayal. The chief decided that Zero was no longer a fit cat to become his deputy someday, so he dropped him from the special lessons and turned his back on the young cat by taking a young guard named Blaine as his deputy instead of him. This hurt Zero greatly. By the time he was sent to recieve his totem and spend a night with the spirit he was about to become intertwined with, he was such a cold cat that he never spoke to anyone. He entered the dream and met Great Lynx, one of the 10 great spirits. He confessed all the hurt in his life to the spiritual creature and Great Lynx promised eternal loyalty to Zero and comforted him, telling him that he was no longer alone as long as he had his totem.

Hunter: Zero became a full hunter about the time Blaine became chief. He admired Blaine because he was a kind cat and was loyal to all his tribemates. He respected his new deputy as well, all his anger about that gone. He promised himself that he would forever keep the promise he made to Great Lynx, even though he would never recover from teh broken heart his family left behind.


:bulletwhite: = Neutral
:bulletblue: = Acquaintance
:bulletgreen: = Friend
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen: = Close Friend
:bulletpurple: = Family
:bulletorange: = Respect
:bulletpink: = Crush
:bulletpink::bulletpink: = Love
:bulletred: = Dislike/Fear
:bulletblack: = Hate
:bulletyellow: = Attraction

:bulletgreen:/:bulletorange:Zora l Female l ~Riaka-the-Cat l Alive l
"....She's very nice.... I like her a lot, she is like an angel."

:bulletgreen:/:bulletpurple:Kiyomi l Female l ~Badluckbadkat l Alive l
"She the only one I can truely feel myself around, she makes me feel like myself. She looks up to me as a friend and I promise to support her. She's like a little sister to me, I must be around to protect her. Us lynxes need to stick together."

:bulletwhite:Lestre l Male l ~Dovewing145 l Alive l
"...He's alright, a little cold but I guess I have no right to talk about that."
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Solis-Starweaver's avatar
i love what he says about zora.. like an angel. SO CUTE